Running White Wolves Youth Council
The Running White Wolves Youth Council is a motivated group of 12 Indigenous youth ages 15 to 25 from the 8 Southeast First Nations communities. For a 2-year term, Youth Council members will meet monthly and gather quarterly with staff, elders and community members and participate in learning opportunities that promote their cultural identity and well-being. Fundamentally, through the Youth Council we will provide opportunities for youth to build their capacities, form meaningful relationships, improve their leadership skills, and grow their cultural identity.
Taking into consideration that the majority of services and programs that SAI & SECFS provides is aimed toward Indigenous children, youth and families; Shawenim Abinoojii and Southeast Child and Family Services formed a joint Youth Council that will act as a guide for both organizations and ensure the voices of children and young people are being heard. It is essential that both organizations seek the Youth Council’s guidance and feedback so that we can be in no doubt that we are providing programs and services that fully meet the needs of the children, families, and communities.
Providing these leadership roles and responsibilities for our youth in our service delivery ultimately aligns with SAI & SECFS’s values of prevention, supporting the holistic well-being of young people, and utilizing our communities’ gifts and strengths to enhance the work we do.